No Work Units

Questions and Answers : Preferences : No Work Units

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Message 98742 - Posted: 3 Sep 2020, 12:49:17 UTC

Hello guys, I am running RaH on my systems and am getting no WU. I cannot find the reason for that, has anyone an idea what it may be about?

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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 98745 - Posted: 4 Sep 2020, 7:18:37 UTC - in response to Message 98742.  

Hello guys, I am running RaH on my systems and am getting no WU. I cannot find the reason for that, has anyone an idea what it may be about?
Checking the Event log (and probably enabling work fetch debug) for each host is the only way to find out for sure, but most likely as you re running multiple projects and WCG is set to have the greatest share of processing time, so i expect that BOINC is just doing exactly what you have set it to do- run mostly WCG and only a bit of Rosetta every now and then.

Once it's done more work for WCG, it will then download some work for Rosetta, do that work, then go back to doing mostly WCG again for a while.

If you want to do more work for Rosetta, in your Account settings here at Rosetta, set the "Preferences for this project" Rosetta@home preferences, Resource share 100 to 500 (max of 1000). Save and update the changes, and the next time each of the systems contact the Scheduler they'll get the new Resource share settings.

If you are running with a cache (none is best), set it to a very small value- that will help the Resource share settings settle down & be honoured over a week or 2 instead of a month or more.
"When and how BOINC uses your computer" Computing preferences,

           Store at least 0.10 days of work
Store up to an additional 0.01 days of work

Darwin NT
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Message 98746 - Posted: 4 Sep 2020, 8:46:37 UTC - in response to Message 98745.  

Hi Grant,

than you for your tips, it was likely my long set queue, because I have reset it to small caches, and it works. I had to remove over a 1000 WU on some systems that were queued for WCG, now it downloaded also rossetta wus. I thought boinc would do the math for the wus as I had it set my way for long and it was working fine, just recently, I had realized I am missing on rosetta. Anyhow, thanks for the idea, happy crunching :)

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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 98747 - Posted: 4 Sep 2020, 9:29:21 UTC - in response to Message 98746.  

I thought boinc would do the math for the wus as I had it set my way for long and it was working fine, just recently, I had realized I am missing on rosetta.
It was doing the math, but WCG is effectively a group of projects rolled in to one, and some types of new Task can upset any balance that it has already developed.
If it occurs again, even with the small (or better yet zero) cache, no need to abort work. Just increase the Resource share for Rosetta and then let it sort things out over the next few days.
Darwin NT
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Message 103335 - Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 9:02:18 UTC - in response to Message 98742.  
Last modified: 16 Nov 2021, 9:04:15 UTC

I am running Rosetta on an AMD Ryzen 7 (8 core, plus 8 threads). I am having trouble getting work units on my Ubuntu 20.04 lts system. I have 32G or ram, and a 1 t/b drive.

This worked fine in the past, but this past week, nothing. I removed and re-installed boinc, with the same preferences as before. I got one (1) work unit for my trouble. Normally I run 16 threads of Rosetta at once. Why do I only have one work unit? The servers are up, and there are plenty of tasks ready to send.

Did I overlook something?

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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 103336 - Posted: 16 Nov 2021, 10:01:18 UTC - in response to Message 103335.  

I am running Rosetta on an AMD Ryzen 7 (8 core, plus 8 threads). I am having trouble getting work units on my Ubuntu 20.04 lts system. I have 32G or ram, and a 1 t/b drive.

This worked fine in the past, but this past week, nothing. I removed and re-installed boinc, with the same preferences as before. I got one (1) work unit for my trouble. Normally I run 16 threads of Rosetta at once. Why do I only have one work unit? The servers are up, and there are plenty of tasks ready to send.
You need to make sure you haven't made any changes to your local preferences as they override the web based preferences. Make sure it is using 100% of the CPUs 100% of the time.
Exit BOINC, then restart it & check out the messages in the Event log-
There are also problems with both of your systems, but the Ryzen 7 in particular- it's taking it over13 hours to do 8 hours worth of work (The Ryzen 3 is taking 4hrs 15min to do 2hrs 45min worth of work). So there is something both systems using up huge amounts of CPU time.
It would also be worth running the CPU Benchmarks on the Ryzen 7, that will improve the Credit you get for the work that does get done.
Darwin NT
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Message 104143 - Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 15:58:32 UTC - in response to Message 98742.  

One of my four platforms [Win10P] platforms has decided, after running for quite some time, to not attract any new work units.
Since the other platforms are performing as usual I can only assume I've got a setting that needs .. setting.

I saw similar posts that suggested the VirtualBox may not be running properly. Re-installing may be a solution ...?
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Anne Romance

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Message 106243 - Posted: 19 May 2022, 14:08:46 UTC - in response to Message 103336.  
Last modified: 19 May 2022, 14:09:44 UTC

Thanks a lot Grant. Had not been able to get work for weeks. Just closing and re-starting BOINC as you suggested fixed this. Worked on two of my computers so far.
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Questions and Answers : Preferences : No Work Units

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