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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 67898 - Posted: 1 Oct 2010, 7:26:02 UTC - in response to Message 67895.  

supposedly, it was the "back end server"...

(not even going to "go there")

lol...yeah i wouldn't touch that one either
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Message 67911 - Posted: 1 Oct 2010, 12:57:53 UTC - in response to Message 67873.  
Last modified: 1 Oct 2010, 12:59:24 UTC

I suppose...

But with a Seller with 400+ feedback, 100% positive, and eBay Buyer Protection, as well as ability to do a "chargeback" on your credit card, I think the risks are minimal...

A brand new Seller, with a feedback of 5, all negative, and wants payment via Western Onion, for backstage passses and after-show party with the band... ok, now that would send up red flags...

All very true and to be honest I HAVE purchased things on Ebay and do look when I want something obscure or cheap. For instance I wanted some sunglasses with reader things in them so I can see my cell phone etc without having to put on 2 pair of glasses at the same time. I went on Ebay and found them for $6.?? a pair and got 2 pair for under 15 bucks while they are selling on the tv for 20 bucks per pair!! These are the 'hd' sunglasses and they had multiple strength reader lenses. They are not perfect fits for me but do the job as advertised and I wear them in the car all the time now, and at 6 bucks per pair I don't feel like I have to baby them!!

Hey one of my machines is having trouble running Rosie units, for some reason some units are crashing so it is now onto another project, one machine is still doing just fine so it will stay here.
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Message 67921 - Posted: 1 Oct 2010, 16:50:09 UTC

appreciate whatever horse-power you're able to throw Rosie's way...
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 67928 - Posted: 1 Oct 2010, 23:49:28 UTC - in response to Message 67911.  

I suppose...

But with a Seller with 400+ feedback, 100% positive, and eBay Buyer Protection, as well as ability to do a "chargeback" on your credit card, I think the risks are minimal...

A brand new Seller, with a feedback of 5, all negative, and wants payment via Western Onion, for backstage passses and after-show party with the band... ok, now that would send up red flags...

All very true and to be honest I HAVE purchased things on Ebay and do look when I want something obscure or cheap. For instance I wanted some sunglasses with reader things in them so I can see my cell phone etc without having to put on 2 pair of glasses at the same time. I went on Ebay and found them for $6.?? a pair and got 2 pair for under 15 bucks while they are selling on the tv for 20 bucks per pair!! These are the 'hd' sunglasses and they had multiple strength reader lenses. They are not perfect fits for me but do the job as advertised and I wear them in the car all the time now, and at 6 bucks per pair I don't feel like I have to baby them!!

Hey one of my machines is having trouble running Rosie units, for some reason some units are crashing so it is now onto another project, one machine is still doing just fine so it will stay here.

Mikey, I have been reading in the 2.15 thread that some machines are getting memory overloads and virtual memory errors. Don't recall what tasks, but go have a look. Seems the programmers are getting back into that memory problem again that happened way back.
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Message 67933 - Posted: 2 Oct 2010, 11:34:28 UTC - in response to Message 67928.  
Last modified: 2 Oct 2010, 11:35:20 UTC

I suppose...

But with a Seller with 400+ feedback, 100% positive, and eBay Buyer Protection, as well as ability to do a "chargeback" on your credit card, I think the risks are minimal...

A brand new Seller, with a feedback of 5, all negative, and wants payment via Western Onion, for backstage passses and after-show party with the band... ok, now that would send up red flags...

All very true and to be honest I HAVE purchased things on Ebay and do look when I want something obscure or cheap. For instance I wanted some sunglasses with reader things in them so I can see my cell phone etc without having to put on 2 pair of glasses at the same time. I went on Ebay and found them for $6.?? a pair and got 2 pair for under 15 bucks while they are selling on the tv for 20 bucks per pair!! These are the 'hd' sunglasses and they had multiple strength reader lenses. They are not perfect fits for me but do the job as advertised and I wear them in the car all the time now, and at 6 bucks per pair I don't feel like I have to baby them!!

Hey one of my machines is having trouble running Rosie units, for some reason some units are crashing so it is now onto another project, one machine is still doing just fine so it will stay here.

Mikey, I have been reading in the 2.15 thread that some machines are getting memory overloads and virtual memory errors. Don't recall what tasks, but go have a look. Seems the programmers are getting back into that memory problem again that happened way back.

I remember that, I guess old programmers still use their old tricks when writing new code! It seemed as though every other unit was failing so lots of wasted time, I just moved it over to Eon, a project that tries to figure out chemical reactions over time.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 67968 - Posted: 5 Oct 2010, 10:16:13 UTC

Seems that Yfan had a look into the 2.15 problems and found an issue that is causing the large memory usage.
He mentions he is going to "revert" the program I think is what was said.
You have to go look to be sure.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 67974 - Posted: 5 Oct 2010, 17:09:35 UTC

just got the car back from the garage.
the throwout bearing that pushes into the pressure plate was shot and was starting to break the teeth of the pressure plate release levers.

to see what I am talking about see this link

all original parts failing at 113,365 miles.
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Message 67978 - Posted: 6 Oct 2010, 11:53:18 UTC - in response to Message 67974.  

just got the car back from the garage.
the throwout bearing that pushes into the pressure plate was shot and was starting to break the teeth of the pressure plate release levers.

to see what I am talking about see this link

all original parts failing at 113,365 miles.

I had a Subaru do that one time, it took me 3 different clutches before a mechanic, at a different place, took the time to look at the problem. Replacing a clutch every 15k to 20k miles apparently was not due to 'the way I drive' after all! Of course I had a Diesel VW Rabbit at the same time and the mechanics could not explain why it had a clutch that was over 35k old and still working just fine. It was a VW and Subaru Dealership, I will never go back to it.
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Message 67983 - Posted: 7 Oct 2010, 11:51:24 UTC

How many ways can you kill a virtual zombie?

Set in a zombie-infested mall in small-town America, the game gives players more freedom to improvise. Everything in the mall is at the players’ disposal. They can whack zombies with salmon, run them over with shopping carts, even pour cooking oil on the floor to make zombies slip.
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Message 68015 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 10:03:54 UTC - in response to Message 67983.  

How many ways can you kill a virtual zombie?

Set in a zombie-infested mall in small-town America, the game gives players more freedom to improvise. Everything in the mall is at the players’ disposal. They can whack zombies with salmon, run them over with shopping carts, even pour cooking oil on the floor to make zombies slip.

Must be the new video game, I have no idea.

I am sorry to say I have now stopped crunching for Rosie again, the second machine started getting errors and I have stopped it too. It was running units for 24 hours and THEN having errors that cause the unit to fail! The 2 pc's can crunch for other projects just fine so it is not worth trying to figure out the problems, I am just not motivated enough to work on it. I have switched both to a different project and am crunching just fine again. Those kinds of works now, doesn't work then problems are a royal pain to figure out and since there are sooo many Boinc projects, I will just move on.
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Message 68018 - Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 19:34:37 UTC

mikey, hate to see anyone leave. Were the problems with v2.16 tasks? Or were you having some of the memory problems that were seen under 2.15?
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 68028 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 11:04:15 UTC - in response to Message 68018.  

mikey, hate to see anyone leave. Were the problems with v2.16 tasks? Or were you having some of the memory problems that were seen under 2.15?

I don't know but it was this task that caused me to quit. I crunched it for 24 hours and it says I only crunched it for a few minutes, I am not mad just moving on. Other projects work just fine on that pc so it must be something with Rosie as opposed to the pc, unless Rosie is just too picky for that machine. Either way it is okay, I tried and failed, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
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Message 68031 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 16:12:37 UTC
Last modified: 11 Oct 2010, 16:15:06 UTC

Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68033 - Posted: 11 Oct 2010, 18:27:36 UTC

Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens.
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Profile rochester new york

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Message 68044 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 3:39:52 UTC

the size of things in the universe
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Message 68049 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 10:09:36 UTC - in response to Message 68031.  

Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.

Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."

Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68056 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 23:25:39 UTC - in response to Message 68049.  

Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.

Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."

Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.

Do what I did, abort all the unstarted 2.15 tasks so they can be reset into 2.16 or whatever they do with them. Then you should get all new 2.16 tasks, but not a whole bunch. I am limited to 2 tasks running at a time in 2.16 after knocking off 15-20 2.15 tasks 24-28 hrs ago.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68057 - Posted: 12 Oct 2010, 23:28:40 UTC - in response to Message 68049.  

Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.

Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."

Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.

Do what I did, abort all the unstarted 2.15 tasks so they can be reset into 2.16 or whatever they do with them. Then you should get all new 2.16 tasks, but not a whole bunch. I am limited to 2 tasks running at a time in 2.16 after knocking off 15-20 2.15 tasks 24-28 hrs ago.
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Message 68065 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 11:09:35 UTC - in response to Message 68057.  

Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.

Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."

Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.

Do what I did, abort all the unstarted 2.15 tasks so they can be reset into 2.16 or whatever they do with them. Then you should get all new 2.16 tasks, but not a whole bunch. I am limited to 2 tasks running at a time in 2.16 after knocking off 15-20 2.15 tasks 24-28 hrs ago.

Hmm which one to reply to, choices so many choices!! *LOL*

I have aborted all unstarted units, or those with so little time spent crunching them it didn't matter, and have stopped crunching Rosie altogether for the next couple of weeks. I am going to let Rosie settle down, and my pc's not get reissued my old units either, and then I will come back and try again.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68068 - Posted: 13 Oct 2010, 13:26:11 UTC - in response to Message 68065.  

Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.

Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."

Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.

Do what I did, abort all the unstarted 2.15 tasks so they can be reset into 2.16 or whatever they do with them. Then you should get all new 2.16 tasks, but not a whole bunch. I am limited to 2 tasks running at a time in 2.16 after knocking off 15-20 2.15 tasks 24-28 hrs ago.

Hmm which one to reply to, choices so many choices!! *LOL*

I have aborted all unstarted units, or those with so little time spent crunching them it didn't matter, and have stopped crunching Rosie altogether for the next couple of weeks. I am going to let Rosie settle down, and my pc's not get reissued my old units either, and then I will come back and try again.

Think Halloween has gotten to your computer via Rosie.
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