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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.
Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."
Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.
Do what I did, abort all the unstarted 2.15 tasks so they can be reset into 2.16 or whatever they do with them. Then you should get all new 2.16 tasks, but not a whole bunch. I am limited to 2 tasks running at a time in 2.16 after knocking off 15-20 2.15 tasks 24-28 hrs ago.
Hmm which one to reply to, choices so many choices!! *LOL*
I have aborted all unstarted units, or those with so little time spent crunching them it didn't matter, and have stopped crunching Rosie altogether for the next couple of weeks. I am going to let Rosie settle down, and my pc's not get reissued my old units either, and then I will come back and try again.
Think Halloween has gotten to your computer via Rosie.
It's okay, the pc is now crunching for another project and doing just fine.
ID: 68083 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
Yes, the task you mentioned was a v2.15 task (this is shown on the very last line of information), so hopefully the changes that were removed in 2.16 will address such problems.
Greg_be wrote "Mikey, give it 2 weeks more on the 2.16 tasks and then see what happens."
Okay, okay I will come back in a couple of weeks and try again, when the 2.15 tasks are all gone.
Do what I did, abort all the unstarted 2.15 tasks so they can be reset into 2.16 or whatever they do with them. Then you should get all new 2.16 tasks, but not a whole bunch. I am limited to 2 tasks running at a time in 2.16 after knocking off 15-20 2.15 tasks 24-28 hrs ago.
Hmm which one to reply to, choices so many choices!! *LOL*
I have aborted all unstarted units, or those with so little time spent crunching them it didn't matter, and have stopped crunching Rosie altogether for the next couple of weeks. I am going to let Rosie settle down, and my pc's not get reissued my old units either, and then I will come back and try again.
Think Halloween has gotten to your computer via Rosie.
It's okay, the pc is now crunching for another project and doing just fine.
Don't get what was killing your pc. I got a 4gb ram unit and the quad core from our penguin friend which is oc'd by .5ghz due to the oc interfering with programs like google earth and the such. I never had the rash of errors you did.
I got at most 3 in a row one day. the rest of the time they were clean with the usual error rate of 1 or 2 every other day or so. most of them died due to what looks like programmer error. so come back soon and try a few of the 2.16 tasks.
ID: 68092 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0
just call mikey "gen mac arthur," and he shall return...
Defeat Censorship! Wikileaks needs OUR help! Learn how you can help (d/l 'insurance' file), by clicking here. "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech" B. Franklin
ID: 68093 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
just call mikey "gen mac arthur," and he shall return...
That's right 'I shall return'!!!
ID: 68098 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
just call mikey "gen mac arthur," and he shall return...
That's right 'I shall return'!!!
calls gen mac and hits the return key, now does mikey return to the project or just return to haunt us?
ID: 68100 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0
Core Wars Will Subside
"There will come an end to the core-count wars. I won't put an exact date on it, but I don't myself expect to see 128 cores on a full-sized server die by the end of this decade,"
This shift in direction, should it come, may also bring a sigh of relief to developers worldwide who have been grappling with how to write their programs in parallel so they can run on multiple cores.
The next competitive front, Newell predicted, will come in heterogenous computing. Instead of being largely composed of a single general-purpose processing core, processors will come to resemble systems-on-a-chip, in which sections of each chip will be dedicated to specific tasks, such as encryption, video rendering or networking.
Eventually, the technology may even go as far as to have "portions of the die be reconfigurable," harkening back to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology that has long held great promise but has never caught on in general-purpose computing. "It's not on the road map, but from a technology perspective, you can see the trajectory is there," he said.
Defeat Censorship! Wikileaks needs OUR help! Learn how you can help (d/l 'insurance' file), by clicking here. "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech" B. Franklin
ID: 68104 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
Core Wars Will Subside
"There will come an end to the core-count wars. I won't put an exact date on it, but I don't myself expect to see 128 cores on a full-sized server die by the end of this decade,"
This shift in direction, should it come, may also bring a sigh of relief to developers worldwide who have been grappling with how to write their programs in parallel so they can run on multiple cores.
The next competitive front, Newell predicted, will come in heterogenous computing. Instead of being largely composed of a single general-purpose processing core, processors will come to resemble systems-on-a-chip, in which sections of each chip will be dedicated to specific tasks, such as encryption, video rendering or networking.
Eventually, the technology may even go as far as to have "portions of the die be reconfigurable," harkening back to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology that has long held great promise but has never caught on in general-purpose computing. "It's not on the road map, but from a technology perspective, you can see the trajectory is there," he said.
ID: 68105 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
Core Wars Will Subside
"There will come an end to the core-count wars. I won't put an exact date on it, but I don't myself expect to see 128 cores on a full-sized server die by the end of this decade,"
This shift in direction, should it come, may also bring a sigh of relief to developers worldwide who have been grappling with how to write their programs in parallel so they can run on multiple cores.
The next competitive front, Newell predicted, will come in heterogenous computing. Instead of being largely composed of a single general-purpose processing core, processors will come to resemble systems-on-a-chip, in which sections of each chip will be dedicated to specific tasks, such as encryption, video rendering or networking.
Eventually, the technology may even go as far as to have "portions of the die be reconfigurable," harkening back to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology that has long held great promise but has never caught on in general-purpose computing. "It's not on the road map, but from a technology perspective, you can see the trajectory is there," he said.
I can see this bringing out LOTS more choices in cpu's then! One will be great for compressing and uncompressing files, one for rendering pictures, I see this as being an expensive proposition for both them and us users! I kind of like the fewer choices now, not that I want even less choices but sometimes too many choices makes things harder! Now the FPGA notion might be okay depending on who and what gets to do the reprogramming and when.
And Greg it could be either one of those choices, we are getting close to Halloween you know!
ID: 68110 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
Core Wars Will Subside
"There will come an end to the core-count wars. I won't put an exact date on it, but I don't myself expect to see 128 cores on a full-sized server die by the end of this decade,"
This shift in direction, should it come, may also bring a sigh of relief to developers worldwide who have been grappling with how to write their programs in parallel so they can run on multiple cores.
The next competitive front, Newell predicted, will come in heterogenous computing. Instead of being largely composed of a single general-purpose processing core, processors will come to resemble systems-on-a-chip, in which sections of each chip will be dedicated to specific tasks, such as encryption, video rendering or networking.
Eventually, the technology may even go as far as to have "portions of the die be reconfigurable," harkening back to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology that has long held great promise but has never caught on in general-purpose computing. "It's not on the road map, but from a technology perspective, you can see the trajectory is there," he said.
I can see this bringing out LOTS more choices in cpu's then! One will be great for compressing and uncompressing files, one for rendering pictures, I see this as being an expensive proposition for both them and us users! I kind of like the fewer choices now, not that I want even less choices but sometimes too many choices makes things harder! Now the FPGA notion might be okay depending on who and what gets to do the reprogramming and when.
And Greg it could be either one of those choices, we are getting close to Halloween you know!
Better get the garlic and silver out along with the aspen cross.
I just saw there will be a zombie con in seattle shortly.
So you better watch out!
ID: 68114 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
Core Wars Will Subside
"There will come an end to the core-count wars. I won't put an exact date on it, but I don't myself expect to see 128 cores on a full-sized server die by the end of this decade,"
This shift in direction, should it come, may also bring a sigh of relief to developers worldwide who have been grappling with how to write their programs in parallel so they can run on multiple cores.
The next competitive front, Newell predicted, will come in heterogenous computing. Instead of being largely composed of a single general-purpose processing core, processors will come to resemble systems-on-a-chip, in which sections of each chip will be dedicated to specific tasks, such as encryption, video rendering or networking.
Eventually, the technology may even go as far as to have "portions of the die be reconfigurable," harkening back to the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology that has long held great promise but has never caught on in general-purpose computing. "It's not on the road map, but from a technology perspective, you can see the trajectory is there," he said.
I can see this bringing out LOTS more choices in cpu's then! One will be great for compressing and uncompressing files, one for rendering pictures, I see this as being an expensive proposition for both them and us users! I kind of like the fewer choices now, not that I want even less choices but sometimes too many choices makes things harder! Now the FPGA notion might be okay depending on who and what gets to do the reprogramming and when.
And Greg it could be either one of those choices, we are getting close to Halloween you know!
Better get the garlic and silver out along with the aspen cross.
I just saw there will be a zombie con in seattle shortly.
So you better watch out!
Oh that is Seattle and I am near Wash DC, so they have along way to walk before they get to me.
ID: 68115 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0
traaaaaaains for braaaaaaains....., or maybe even plaaaaaaanes for braaaaaaaaains.....
Defeat Censorship! Wikileaks needs OUR help! Learn how you can help (d/l 'insurance' file), by clicking here. "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech" B. Franklin
ID: 68116 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
traaaaaaains for braaaaaaains....., or maybe even plaaaaaaanes for braaaaaaaaains.....
yummy fresh human flesh to eat! my zombie stomach is growling.
ID: 68118 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
traaaaaaains for braaaaaaains....., or maybe even plaaaaaaanes for braaaaaaaaains.....
See I already thought of that...zombies would not be allowed on a train or a plane due to the TSA security restrictions, and renting a car probably wouldn't happen either because you need a credit card and zombies won't have those! So I am probably safe for a long time yet!
ID: 68120 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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ID: 68121 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
well with all the participants gone or on the road, I guess this thread has come to an end
ID: 68168 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
well with all the participants gone or on the road, I guess this thread has come to an end
No I am just really busy lately rebuilding pc's! My Windows Home Server decided to stop letting me remotely connect to it so I had to take 3 drives out of it and put 2 of those in another machine I then had to bring up. I NEED to have a reliable backup and the WHS stopped providing that! My wife takes TONS AND TONS of pictures and while the WHS was doing the backups they could not be accessed, in other words the backups were useless! So I took 2 1tb drives out of the WHS and put them in another dual core pc and now use a different program, Macrium reflect the free version, to do the backups and can now do a restore either file by file or drive by drive. That is for my pc's, for my wife's pc I installed the paid version of Acronis Backup and scheduled the backups to occur at 12:30AM Monday morning. Today I will run a wire to her pc and do a backup of it so that come Sunday night it only needs to do the few changed files over the normal wireless connection. She will use one of the 1tb drive for her backups and I will use the other one for all my other machines! Eventually we will buy her a 1tb drive to go inside her pc and get a 2tb drive for her backups that will be a stand-alone drive hooked directly to her pc. It will be an external because I don't want her to think of it as storage space she can use.
ID: 68169 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
well with all the participants gone or on the road, I guess this thread has come to an end
No I am just really busy lately rebuilding pc's! My Windows Home Server decided to stop letting me remotely connect to it so I had to take 3 drives out of it and put 2 of those in another machine I then had to bring up. I NEED to have a reliable backup and the WHS stopped providing that! My wife takes TONS AND TONS of pictures and while the WHS was doing the backups they could not be accessed, in other words the backups were useless! So I took 2 1tb drives out of the WHS and put them in another dual core pc and now use a different program, Macrium reflect the free version, to do the backups and can now do a restore either file by file or drive by drive. That is for my pc's, for my wife's pc I installed the paid version of Acronis Backup and scheduled the backups to occur at 12:30AM Monday morning. Today I will run a wire to her pc and do a backup of it so that come Sunday night it only needs to do the few changed files over the normal wireless connection. She will use one of the 1tb drive for her backups and I will use the other one for all my other machines! Eventually we will buy her a 1tb drive to go inside her pc and get a 2tb drive for her backups that will be a stand-alone drive hooked directly to her pc. It will be an external because I don't want her to think of it as storage space she can use.
i will re read this later, its 1am here so time to pack it up for the night.
thanks for stopping by.
ID: 68173 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0
<Monty Python reference> I'm not dead yet </Monty Python reference>
well with all the participants gone or on the road, I guess this thread has come to an end
Defeat Censorship! Wikileaks needs OUR help! Learn how you can help (d/l 'insurance' file), by clicking here. "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech" B. Franklin
ID: 68175 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 5 Jan 06 Posts: 1896 Credit: 10,201,972 RAC: 9,127
<Monty Python reference> I'm not dead yet </Monty Python reference>
I am glad to hear that too! Have you been to any more exciting places lately?
ID: 68176 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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Joined: 30 May 06 Posts: 5695 Credit: 5,932,838 RAC: 2,746
pengy, you owe me an email and watch that video i sent you lmao
a bigger distant relative of yours is "exercising"
<Monty Python reference> I'm not dead yet </Monty Python reference>
well with all the participants gone or on the road, I guess this thread has come to an end
ID: 68181 · Rating: 0 · rate:
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