Respectfully addressing concerns to UW Administrators

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Message 68514 - Posted: 9 Nov 2010, 21:55:13 UTC

As a governmental institution, the University of Washington has established officers and policies to address concerns about the University and the actions of its agents.

Usually it is best to begin at the lowest level possible, and slowly escalate up the chain of command, if required:

1. Contact information for the Principal Investigator can be found here

2. Contact information for the Director of Rules Coordination can be found here

3. Contact information for the UW Attorney General's Office can be found here

Always be professional and respectful in any communications. Stick to the facts at hand, and don't become emotional.

Less, really is, more. Be brief. Make your point, then move on to the next point.
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Message 68518 - Posted: 9 Nov 2010, 22:09:48 UTC

One should start by following the information in posts made by moderators or Project Scientists. To that end, the "lowest level possible" would be to bring it up in the moderator's contact thread.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 68519 - Posted: 9 Nov 2010, 22:16:52 UTC - in response to Message 68518.  
Last modified: 9 Nov 2010, 22:20:13 UTC

Except for the fact that the majority of recent posters in a certain thread believe the moderator in question to be misusing his/her authority, and my understanding is that the next level up from the moderator is the Principal Investigator.

One should start by following the information in posts made by moderators or Project Scientists.

1. I believe this goes above the level of a moderator
2. That thread has been inactive for nearly the past 3 months
3. Since its inception nearly 5 years ago, I don't see any discussion about criteria for appropriate forum postings, or potential moderator abuse of authority

To that end, the "lowest level possible" would be to bring it up in the moderator's contact thread.

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68523 - Posted: 9 Nov 2010, 22:59:22 UTC - in response to Message 68518.  
Last modified: 9 Nov 2010, 23:00:21 UTC

One should start by following the information in posts made by moderators or Project Scientists. To that end, the "lowest level possible" would be to bring it up in the moderator's contact thread.

since we do not know who moderator9 is and they appear to be inactive we do not know who you are, we do not trust that thread. and based on the actions of the last thread we do not trust moderators and are turning to higher levels of authority on the outside to "moderate" this dispute. these outside persons will be able to cite specific rules and laws that are black and white.
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