WiFi and Cellphone radiation effects

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Message 69519 - Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 16:13:09 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jan 2011, 16:44:50 UTC

Human DNA effects?!

Router radiation:


Laptop radiation:


Cellphone radiation:


Cordless phone radiation:


Long term effect include all types of brain diseases and cancer. Especially pregnant women and little babies are very vulnerable within 1 meter zone from the radiation sources.
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Message 69527 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 12:11:54 UTC - in response to Message 69519.  

Human DNA effects?!

Router radiation:


Laptop radiation:


Cellphone radiation:


Cordless phone radiation:


Long term effect include all types of brain diseases and cancer. Especially pregnant women and little babies are very vulnerable within 1 meter zone from the radiation sources.

I think you are right and should stop crunching right away!!! You certainly don't want to further damage any remaining brain cells you and yours might have!!!
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Message 69530 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 13:45:31 UTC

Or as your reaction reveals that possibly you'd better to have a DNA test for yourself.
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Message 69531 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 15:55:56 UTC - in response to Message 69527.  

Human DNA effects?!

Router radiation:


Laptop radiation:


Cellphone radiation:


Cordless phone radiation:


Long term effect include all types of brain diseases and cancer. Especially pregnant women and little babies are very vulnerable within 1 meter zone from the radiation sources.

I think you are right and should stop crunching right away!!! You certainly don't want to further damage any remaining brain cells you and yours might have!!!

Orgil. Mikey are right. Think of your brain cells and stop crunching before they are destroyed.
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Message 69532 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 17:23:31 UTC

It is very regular fact nothing to get annoyed with just learn new knowledge.
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Message 69534 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 19:52:27 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jan 2011, 19:55:39 UTC

Neuro scientists and brain-doctors on Larry King:


Cell-phone radiation penetration into your brain:


some more episodes: ---- attn: These things still related with DNA science!! -----


Part 1


Part 2


some facts:

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Message 69536 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 21:37:44 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jan 2011, 22:13:44 UTC

I found this comment and I am quite sure that this is true:

The surface is only being scratched. Just recently emf is being linked to Autism. 20 years ago the rate of autism in America was 1 in 10,000. It currently stands at 1 in 150 and climbing.

I am pretty sure higher radioactive consumer products user other countries have similar figure. (but supposedly some state secret in numerous countries) 20 years of autism jump is suspeciously matching 20 years of cell phone usage jump.


I am fine with more ridicules from you guys since whole study is being hugely ridiculed everywhere. (sponsored with high tech industry and supporters I guess)
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Message 69537 - Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 22:49:36 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jan 2011, 23:14:27 UTC

World-renowned Epidemiologist Dr. George Carlo provided a high impact presentation that exposed the dangers of living in the wireless age in a way that everyone could understand. As the chief scientist of the world's largest research effort into wireless safety, the Safe Wireless Initiative (SWI), he discussed the effects of electromagnetic radiation, specifically Information Carrying Radio Waves (IRCWs) and how they negatively affect the body's ability to function and repair damage affecting our cells. This is great information about how emf effects our health:



This is definately must watch:

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Message 69538 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 0:31:32 UTC - in response to Message 69536.  

I found this comment and I am quite sure that this is true:

The surface is only being scratched. Just recently emf is being linked to Autism. 20 years ago the rate of autism in America was 1 in 10,000. It currently stands at 1 in 150 and climbing.


20 years of autism jump is suspeciously matching 20 years of cell phone usage jump.


I am fine with more ridicules from you guys since whole study is being hugely ridiculed everywhere. (sponsored with high tech industry and supporters I guess)

I am not saying this to ridicule you, but your argument in the post above is a little flawed. A number of countries have seen a rise in autism in recent decades and there are plenty of scientists willing to stake their reputations on identifying potential causes.

A famous case in the UK involved a doctor claiming that a vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella was causing autism in children. Like your argument above, there was a "suspicious" increase in autism over the period where the vaccine was introduced. The story was picked up by the media and over-hyped as media organisations tend to do to sell newspapers/generate tv ratings. Eventually other scientific papers came out to disprove the supposed link and the author of the original paper was found guilty of serious professional misconduct.

Could Wifi/telephone signals be a factor in autism? Perhaps, as the causes of autism have not been identified as yet. However it could be just as likely that electro-magnetic fields from power lines, TV radiation, vaccines, chemical supplements in foods, chemicals in laundry detergents or car exhaust fumes are causes of autism instead. Alternatively, the sharp increase in cases could be due to improved rates of diagnosis as the condition becomes more widely recognised by health professionals.
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Message 69539 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 1:27:41 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jan 2011, 1:29:09 UTC

As a simple google searching person I only gathered interesting info and passing them into this thread. But seemingly some of them solid beleivable scientific finding on strangely ignored phenomenon it is very good to attract some attention on some corners of internet forum.

So if anybody else has good info on wireless tech hazards hopefully this is the thread.

Until yesterday I was another solid ignorer on this subject but just randomly found those initial videos on youtube and digged that little bit deeper.
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Message 69540 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 1:37:01 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jan 2011, 2:02:33 UTC

For example thanks to this finding anybody cannot give cellphone (cordless phone too) to little children: (cordless phones have twice more radiation than cellphones.)


Why this important figure not shown on public media? well everybody knows the reason.
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Message 69544 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 12:36:13 UTC - in response to Message 69539.  

As a simple google searching person I only gathered interesting info and passing them into this thread. But seemingly some of them solid beleivable scientific finding on strangely ignored phenomenon it is very good to attract some attention on some corners of internet forum.

So if anybody else has good info on wireless tech hazards hopefully this is the thread.

Until yesterday I was another solid ignorer on this subject but just randomly found those initial videos on youtube and digged that little bit deeper.

The problem is that for every person that says there is a link, there is another person that says there is no link! Science has not definitely proved or disproved a link yet, until all this is speculative and reeks of 'the sky is falling' statements. Can I say this isn't true, no but neither can anyone else. This is internet fodder and nothing else, as of right now!

Did you know that cell phones can cause fires at gas stations just by ringing? There are LOTS of youtube videos to prove it, problem is even the MythBusters couldn't make it happen in real life! LOTS of people say aliens landed on the Earth in Roswell New Mexico back in the '50's, but there is no proof! People say Russia tested a nuclear device in Tunguska too, but there is no proof! In fact the Tunguska 'event' is now thought to be an air bursting asteroid! Lots of things are said, especially on the internet, but only a very small percentage of them turn out to be true! You can believe whatever you'd like too, but please do not get mad or upset when the rest of us do not believe it too!
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Message 69545 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 12:37:59 UTC - in response to Message 69540.  

For example thanks to this finding anybody cannot give cellphone (cordless phone too) to little children: (cordless phones have twice more radiation than cellphones.)


Why this important figure not shown on public media? well everybody knows the reason.

Maybe in Mongolia they can't give cell phones to kids, but here in the US over 85% of kids have cell phones and use them more often and more proficiently than the adults do!
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Message 69546 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 12:57:10 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jan 2011, 13:51:29 UTC

Because in america your politicians corruption quality nowadays pretty well exceeding Mongolian politicians corruption grade that is why that thing is happening. ;D (I personally sufficiently hate corruption in Mongolia.)

Look carefully at your autism chart that looks not good. (I also stated that this chart must be very similar in most countries that use wireless products meaning this chart would easily represent 90% of all countries. just personal guess. )

So how can you deny this mikey?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKHg08f5_xo
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Message 69549 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 15:16:12 UTC - in response to Message 69546.  

Look carefully at your autism chart that looks not good. (I also stated that this chart must be very similar in most countries that use wireless products meaning this chart would easily represent 90% of all countries. just personal guess. )

That chart is just a graph of diagnosed autism cases against time. It shows that as time goes on more autism cases are identified. It does not mention causes so cannot be used as evidence to support or reject any supposed causal link.

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Message 69550 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 15:34:20 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jan 2011, 15:52:08 UTC

Strangely the autism rate closely matched alongside with wireless products usage increase with given period.

(it is only US data is more available on the net so I am using that in this wireless hazard case most countries data could match each others)

Here is another closer period of cell phone usage increase with same country:

Today the figure is 290mln. Just compare 2 charts.
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Message 69553 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 16:26:32 UTC - in response to Message 69550.  
Last modified: 31 Jan 2011, 16:30:33 UTC

Strangely the autism rate closely matched alongside with wireless products usage increase with given period.

As I mentioned above "close matches" can be found with other changes in society in the same period. In the UK that was the use of a new vaccine, but there are any number of things that could be charted to show a supposed link. Without scientific research though it is just a coincidence that looks pretty on a graph but lends no weight to a rational argument.

You seem to be quite convinced by your own argument though, so I will try to highlight the flaw in another way. Using the same principles you have shown above:

School shootings in the USA have shown a marked increase in the last 20 years.
Autism in the USA has shown a marked increase in the last 20 years.
Therefore Autism is a cause of school shootings.

I have used exactly the same logic as the statements you have quoted above, but somehow managed to link autism with school shootings. I have no real basis for making the comparison except that they both increased in the same period of time. I could go one step further and link the use of Wifi equipment to school shootings, but I hope you can see my point without me having to be that silly.
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Message 69555 - Posted: 31 Jan 2011, 18:55:11 UTC

The whole logic is cellphone is used right at the head and for many millions of people that experience is 1-4 hours every day. So any study would suspect any brain damage statistical changes corresponding cell phone usage. In the last 15 years over 2 billion people worldwide at same speed in each countries adopted cellphone. And that above autism chart is the most noticeable stat change in the given period it is clear logics.

There is something that how can you deny or argue with this statement?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKHg08f5_xo

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Message 69561 - Posted: 1 Feb 2011, 7:02:39 UTC

Orgil. Maybe the phone, etc devices are not the only cause for increase of autism. Medicine has developed a more precise and diseases can be easier to find.
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Message 69562 - Posted: 1 Feb 2011, 11:28:59 UTC - in response to Message 69555.  

The whole logic is cellphone is used right at the head and for many millions of people that experience is 1-4 hours every day. So any study would suspect any brain damage statistical changes corresponding cell phone usage. In the last 15 years over 2 billion people worldwide at same speed in each countries adopted cellphone. And that above autism chart is the most noticeable stat change in the given period it is clear logics.

There is something that how can you deny or argue with this statement?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKHg08f5_xo

But even in the video none of the folks say that Science has proved a link, they ALL say that they looked at something and came to a conclusion, that is NOT Science! That is like saying well in America there are bajiillions more power lines so Autism is caused by overhead power lines! Well that just isn't true because India has more people living closer to power lines than the US has and Autism is not growing in India like it is in the US. AND India has MORE cell phones and people tend to use them more, the usage plans are cheaper in India, so one would think India would have a higher rate of Autism, but it does not!!

In the US men like women with big boobs, and guess what over the last 20 years womens boobs have gotten bigger, thus the conclusion is that since men like bigger boobs women are growing them to attract the men. UNLESS of course you knew the Science behind it....the reason women have bigger boobs is the fact that women eat meat and the meat is injected with hormones and the hormones are giving women bigger boobs!

My youngest son, who is now 22, was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4 or 5 years old, at the time ADD and ADHD were on the rise in the US and it was an epidemic, now it turns out that kids have had ADD and ADHD for many, MANY years just no one called it that! They called the kid 'special' or 'hyperactive' or said things like 'oh he will calm down later on' or 'just ignore him'. They even put some kids in restraints so they would stop, now they are beginning to understand that there are ways to help the kids control themselves and the kids are actually very smart in most cases!! What caused the outbreak of ADD and ADHD, Science did when they started diagnosing the kids properly!!! Autism is probably the same way, the better the tests the more things we can find!
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