Requesting GPU tasks over and over

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Message 70352 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 14:12:19 UTC

As far as I know Rosetta@home is not using any GPU to crunch, only CPU.
However when I try to get work on a computer I don't regular use, all Rosie does is requesting GPU tasks every 5 minutes.
Can this be chaneged or is this a BOINC thing?

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Message 70354 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 17:56:30 UTC - in response to Message 70353.  

As far as I know it is a BOINC thing. I think you can exclude GPU work via a cc_.config.xml option. But that is a BOINC-wide setting. It would count for all you projects including the projects for which you use your GPU. I think if Rosetta upgrades the BOINC server software, it could be excluded using a website-setting.

Thanks, but that I don't want as the GPU can do good things as well for GPUGRID foreinstance.
Okay there is one pc running Rosetta and that wil be it then.
I will wait for the update from Rosetta server software.
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Message 70355 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 18:01:14 UTC

The BOINC client gradually figures out and assimilates the fact that it never gets any GPU work and stops asking for it so frequently. The requests for GPU work do no harm. And when you attach to projects that use the GPU, the BOINC client will have the GPU scheduled with tasks and therefore see less need to request work as well.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 70356 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 18:33:46 UTC - in response to Message 70355.  

The BOINC client gradually figures out and assimilates the fact that it never gets any GPU work and stops asking for it so frequently. The requests for GPU work do no harm. And when you attach to projects that use the GPU, the BOINC client will have the GPU scheduled with tasks and therefore see less need to request work as well.

Thank you.
Indeed is does no harm asking for GPU tasks, as there are none. But I never saw it asking for CPU tasks. So after about 1.5 hour I took some MilkyWay@home CPU tasks to crunch.
When I did a manually update on Rosetta I got the notice that the last request was to soon.
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Message 70357 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 19:29:48 UTC

Right, you will not get a scheduler reply if you've made a request within the past 3 minutes or so. So not point hitting update more often, it just resets the clock.

If your machine was not requesting any CPU work, it may mean that BOINC Manager already feels the machine has enough work to meet your preferences for number of days of work to keep on hand. Once some of that is completed, it will request CPU work for R@h.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 70358 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 22:02:42 UTC - in response to Message 70357.  

Right, you will not get a scheduler reply if you've made a request within the past 3 minutes or so. So not point hitting update more often, it just resets the clock.

If your machine was not requesting any CPU work, it may mean that BOINC Manager already feels the machine has enough work to meet your preferences for number of days of work to keep on hand. Once some of that is completed, it will request CPU work for R@h.

Sorry to say, but that pc was powered of for more then a weak and had absolute no work in its queue.
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Message 70359 - Posted: 16 May 2011, 23:18:50 UTC

Assuming the BOINC Manager never requested any CPU work during that time, as you say, this would be a flaw in the BOINC Manager. It does have cases where it may not request work, such as when tasks are suspended, tasks are running at high priority, "no new work" has been selected for a project, etc.... but it doesn't sound like any of those is the case here.

What BOINC version are you running? And on what platform (Linux, Windows, Mac)?
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 70363 - Posted: 17 May 2011, 7:50:20 UTC - in response to Message 70359.  

Assuming the BOINC Manager never requested any CPU work during that time, as you say, this would be a flaw in the BOINC Manager. It does have cases where it may not request work, such as when tasks are suspended, tasks are running at high priority, "no new work" has been selected for a project, etc.... but it doesn't sound like any of those is the case here.

What BOINC version are you running? And on what platform (Linux, Windows, Mac)?

BOINC 6.10.17 on Vista x32 ultimate on quad core. I have the same version on another pc. But yet another is doing Rosetta and has 6.10.58. That could be the cause. I will update in the next weak.
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Message 70372 - Posted: 19 May 2011, 1:42:51 UTC

Boinc 6.12.26 just released with scheduling fixes

Version 6.12.26

released: 17 May 2011
•New: Project notices. This feature is designed to help projects improve communication between themselves and the volunteers by automatically displaying project news within the BOINC Manager
•New: VirtualBox Detection for projects that want to process work within a Virtual Machine
•New: New BOINC Skin for the simple GUI
•Fix: Numerous CPU/GPU scheduling fixes
•Fix: Numerous work-fetch fixes
•Fix: Adjust permissions when installed as a service so that project GPU applications are not denied access to GPU DLLs (WinXP and Win2000 Only)
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Message 70444 - Posted: 30 May 2011, 15:53:21 UTC

I've found that some of the more recent BOINC versions only start asking for CPU workunits after they decide they have an adequate number of GPU workunits, if you even have a GPU that BOINC can use at all.

Therefore, you may need to choose from the rather few BOINC projects that offer any GPU workunits at all, in order to get enough GPU workunits that it will start asking for CPU workunits.

If you have a rather high-end Nvidia-based graphics card, GPUGRID is a good choice.

If you have an AMD/ATI-based graphics card that supports double precision (the high-end cards within the last few generations only, and not notebook cards), Milkyway@Home is a good choice.

Otherwise, Primegrid and Collatz Conjecture can both use most of the remaining cards.

Einstein@Home has some use for graphics cards; I don't remember the details.

Anyone want to mention any more BOINC projects that can use graphics cards?
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Message 70527 - Posted: 9 Jun 2011, 21:57:49 UTC

I have a totally emty queque with Boinc 6.10.58. This version runs fine and smooth for all projects so I am not going to update.

Rosetta is requesting GPU work again over and over but no CPU. When I do a manually request, then Boinc askes for CPU and GPU, but of course that request is to recent so nothing is happening. Yesterday this workstation was running smooth. Well with no Milkyway and no Rosetta I will power it down as it uses to much power.

I hope the request for GPU fro projects that doesn't have any will get an option to filter that.
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Message 70533 - Posted: 10 Jun 2011, 11:03:31 UTC - in response to Message 70527.  

I have a totally emty queque with Boinc 6.10.58. This version runs fine and smooth for all projects so I am not going to update.

Rosetta is requesting GPU work again over and over but no CPU. When I do a manually request, then Boinc askes for CPU and GPU, but of course that request is to recent so nothing is happening. Yesterday this workstation was running smooth. Well with no Milkyway and no Rosetta I will power it down as it uses to much power.

I hope the request for GPU fro projects that doesn't have any will get an option to filter that.

How would it know not to ask unless it asked and didn't get any? MilkyWay does not have any gpu tasks right now, just cpu tasks. On projects that do have gpu tasks available there is an option to not do cpu or gpu tasks, I do not know why that option is not there on those projects without gpu tasks, seems it could just be greyed out until they are available. You could always put your gpu's on Collatz, Prime Grid, Dnetc, Androinc, Moo, there are a couple more.
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Message 73950 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 16:04:01 UTC

Same problem here. 1 week with no work on 2 PCs
Running BOINC 7.0.28
My GPU's are integrated (very small) I have no interest in using them
Is there a way to tell BOINC not to use the GPU?

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Message 73952 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 16:21:59 UTC - in response to Message 73950.  

My GPU's are integrated (very small) I have no interest in using them
Is there a way to tell BOINC not to use the GPU?

Client Configuration: <no_gpus>1</no_gpus>
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Message 73957 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 19:03:19 UTC

cant find cc_config.xml file
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Message 73959 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 19:12:07 UTC - in response to Message 73957.  

Than you have to create it in your BOINC data directory, this file does only exist, if the user creates it, it isn't there by default.

That would be the one you need:

Save that as cc_config.xml in your BOINC data directory, use a plain text editor such as Notepad.
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Message 73962 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 19:31:25 UTC

Ok file added but no effect

02/10/2012 16:28:43 | | Re-reading cc_config.xml
02/10/2012 16:28:43 | | Config: don't use coprocessors
02/10/2012 16:28:43 | | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task
02/10/2012 16:28:58 | rosetta@home | update requested by user
02/10/2012 16:29:02 | rosetta@home | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
02/10/2012 16:29:02 | rosetta@home | Requesting new tasks for ATI
02/10/2012 16:29:05 | rosetta@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks

I will wait and see

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Message 73963 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 19:50:39 UTC - in response to Message 73962.  

From the BOINC wiki:
Warning: Any changes in the <log_flags> section will be used immediately after re-read of the config file. Yet a lot of changes in the <options> section will need a complete exit and restart of the BOINC client. They will not take if you just re-read the config file.

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